Kb4474419 and kb4490628
Kb4474419 and kb4490628

kb4474419 and kb4490628

Note: only Windows 7 Service Pack (SP1) system can update and install the system patches KB4474419 and KB4490628. Please update your system to Windows 7 SP1 first if you want to install these two patches.Ģ. Download Windows system patches KB4474419 and KB4490628 from Microsoft official web site according to different Windows 7 system versions. Please refer to the following instructions step by step.ġ. This method will solve your problem once and for all. Two: update and install system patches with the SHA-2 code-signing migrated from Microsoft. However, because this problem is caused by the signature algorithm used on Windows 7, next time when you install any device drivers, same Windows Security notifications will pop up again. One: ignore the Windows Security notifications and move on to install the driver. To eliminate the above Windows Security notifications, here are two suggestions. In this situation, Windows 7 users not updating the SHA-2 signature algorithm will receive the Windows Security pop-up notifications as below when installing a TP-Link driver.Įrror code 1: Windows 7 identifies TP-Link driver software has an Authenticode (TM) signature and requests to install the driver software.Įrror code 2: Windows 7 cannot verify the publisher of TP-Link driver software and request to install the driver software.

kb4474419 and kb4490628 kb4474419 and kb4490628

For customers running Windows 7, they will need to update and install Windows system patches with the SHA-2 code-signing migrated. To improve the authenticity of the Windows system, Microsoft has updated its signature algorithm from SHA-1 to SHA-2 since 12th March in 2019.

Kb4474419 and kb4490628